Friday 19 October 2012

Is Franco Still Dead?

After images of the savage rampage by Spanish police against protestors and members of the general public were seen world-wide (prompting Argentine president Cristina Fernández to denounce the repression in the General Assembly of the United Nations), the Spanish government headed by Mariano Rajoy has taken steps to avoid the repetition of the incidents a few weeks ago.

To that effect, the director general of the National Police, Ignacio Cosidó, announced this week his intention to reform the law, to forbid "the capture, reproduction or edition of images, sound or data" about the police, in exercise of their functions.

With his party ("People's" Party) in absolute control of Parliament since last year's election, Cosidó's plan seems likely to be adopted.

In Cosidó's mind, apparently, the problem does not lie in the police's disproportionately violent action. After all, the Madrid police authorities had time enough to plan a special operation, mobilizing up to 1,300 anti-riot agents, including reinforcements brought from 30 out of the 52 police anti-riot units all over Spain.

So, the problem was not the extreme brutality displayed by the police, leaving 64 injured, but the images of it shown abroad, which Cosidó considers could endanger the officers.

I can't see how images like this endanger police officers, and therefore, I show them:

Cosidó's preoccupation with the well-being of Spanish police officers should come as a welcome surprise to his subordinates, as since he assumed its direction, the National Police has been rocked by never before seen confrontations between the old top brass, sacked in its entirety by Cosidó upon assuming the position, and the new appointees. Allegations flying that the Police are now being used almost extra-judicially in investigations against political foes, who once investigated personalities linked to the "People's" Party.


And while in Spain the police beat up protestors and passersby alike, and attempts to curtail civil rights in the best Fascist/Falangist tradition as taught by Francisco Franco, in Greece the official police force seems to have recruited an unofficial parallel police force, provided free of charge by the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn; apart from being investigated for using a female detainee as a human shield and torturing left wing activists.


It seems Merkel and her masters are achieving their goals: dumping all the bullshit of capitalist democracy and its touchy-feely talk of human rights. There is one and only one human right these people recognize: property right. If you don't believe me, ask the people who know: the libertarians.

Either you get used to it, or you do something about it.

And some folks, in Germany, are trying:

The video title reads: "Merkel booed while singing the national anthem in Stuttgart, October 12, 2012".

Perhaps you should, too. Before you are at the receiving end of the clubs.

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